Main Street Resource Center
"A community-driven organization that supports local entrepreneurs through a coworking membership plan,
educational resources, networking opportunities, and event and office rental space."
Downtown Business Group
A monthly meeting of Downtown Business Owners.
Indiana CoWorking Passport
The Indiana CoWorking Passport (ICP) is a reciprocal rights arrangement between top co-working and innovation hubs in Indiana. Co-workers at an ICP member site may request the ability to work at a fellow ICP remote site one day per month. ICP is member managed and free to co-working sites and their members. Learn More at:
PALS Program
A program in partnership with the Richmond UEA to provide Painting, Awning, Lighting and Security grants for Downtown Businesses.
Indiana Small Business Development Center
Here, at the Main Street Resource Center, we are home to a satellite office for the East Central ISBDC and host regular ISBDC-programming focused on business development and community support, as well as offering one-on-one planning meetings with a business advisor.
Carlas Bogue, Business Advisor
Phone: 765-282-9950 ext. 108
Richmond Urban Enterprise Association
To promote the general business and economic interest of the Enterprise Zone by creating self-sustaining programs and activities designed to strengthen and expand the income potential of all Enterprise zone businesses and residents. Grants are available for Non-Profits and Businesses in the Enterprise Zone. Learn more at:
Ed DeLaPaz, Program Coordinator
“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.”
— Margaret J. Wheatley